JOY: The Journal of Yoga

 PHI1930: Eastern Philosophy
Chastain Campus
Fall 2003

Taught by
Douglas J. Phillips II
[email protected]
BA Pepperdine University, MTS Emory University
PhD (c) The California Institute of Integral Studies

Course Description
This course examines the history, practices, and basic tenets of eastern philosophies. In particular, the course seeks to provide students with a foundational understanding of representative thinkers of the eastern philosophical traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

Students must place into college-level English on placement exam. Previous coursework in philosophy is preferred but not required.

Required Texts
Hermann Hess, Siddhartha
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Charles A. Moore (edd.), A Source Book in Indian Philosophy. (Princeton University Press). (IP)
Wing-Tsit Chan and Charles A. Moore (edd.), A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. (Princeton University Press). (CP)

Each student is expected to attend weekly classes, complete assigned readings, turn in exams, and compose a 5-7 page final essay related to class material.

Grading Policy
Grades will be determined according to participation levels, attendance, test scores, and the completion of assignments.

Grade Distribution
10% Attendance and Class Participation
30% Midterm Exam
30% Final Paper
30% Final Exam

Course Schedule

Session 1
In class:
Introduction to the course
Brief outline of eastern philosophy
IP xvii-xxxi

Session 2
In class:
Overview of the history of Indian thought
IP 3-36

Session 3
In class:
Description and analysis of Vedas
IP 37-64

Session 4
In class:
Upanishads Part I- Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya, Aitareya
IP 64-96

Session 5
In class:
Upanishads Part II- Chandogya, Brhadaranyaka, Svetasvatara, Kausitaki, Maitri
IP 99-129

Session 6
In class:
Introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita
IP 129-163

Session 7
In class:
Analysis of Bhagavad-Gita
IP 272-328

Session 8
In class:
Buddhism- Hinayana
IP 328-346
Siddhartha 1-40

Session 9
In class:
Buddhism- Mahayana
Siddhartha 40-to end

Session 10
In class:
Vedanta and Yoga
CP 14-48

Session 11
In class:
Introduction to Chinese philosophy and the thought of Confucius
CP 136-176

Session 12
In class:
The natural philosophy of Lao Tzu
CP 177-210

Session 13
In class:
The mystical philosophy of Chuang Tzu
CP 751-781

Session 14
In class:
Modern Chinese Philosophy- Fung Yu-Lan and Hsiung Shih-li
IP 575-637

Session 15
In class:
Modern Indian Philosophy- Sri Aurobindo and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Work on final paper

Session 16
In class:
Final paper presentations

Final Exam TBA

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