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Eastern Philosophies

PHI 1930


Midterm Exam



Please answer all questions completely in YOUR OWN WORDS.  You may use the pages provided to compose your responses or type out your answers and hand them in.  You may use any and all sources of information pertinent to your answers.   You have one week to complete this exam.  Late exams will be assessed a 10% grade deduction for each week they are late.



Part I: Definitions

(grade distribution 40%)


For each of the words below, please provide a brief definition.


1.  atmavidya-






2. Brahmanas-






3.  Upanishads-






4.  moksa






5.  Monism-






6.  Isvara-






7.  Surya-






8.  Varuna-






9.  Prajapati-






10.  sruti-






11.  nirguna Brahman-






12.  saguna Brahman-






13.  Atman-






14.  buddhi-






15.   Mundaka-






16.  “Five Sheaths” of the Self-






17.  Tat tvam asi-






18.  prana-






19.  karma-






20.  jnana-yoga-







Part II: Essays

(grade distribution 60%)


Please choose two of the questions below to compose your responses.  Each essay should be approximately 2-4 pages in length.  Please cite references when appropriate (ie. Radhakrishnan, 34).


Q1:  Throughout the Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita, the virtue of non-attachment plays a prominent role in the formation of the yogin and sage.  Please explain how non-attachment is characterized in these texts and why its importance is emphasized.


Q2:  Please give an account of the evolution of Indian philosophy from the Vedas to the Bhagavad-Gita. What changed in the later texts?  Is there a fundamental shift in world-view from one period to another? 


Q3:  What are the central characteristics of Brahman?  What features does Brahman possess?  How is Brahman related to the world?  Where is Brahman found?


Q4:  How would you describe the ethical teachings of early Indian philosophy to a friend?  What is the purpose and goal of moral behavior?  What does the yogin ultimately seek?